
Hello! I am Avani , a senior at NYUAD majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Math. I am a strong advocate of women in STEM and have been working with weSTEM, a student interest group, to raise awareness about this cause and suport the STEM community on campus. Other than that I am passionate about about machine learning and computer security. I have front end web dev and ML research experience. Feel free to get to know me better through my resume!!

Download my resume

Research assistant

February 2023- present

  • Building an image classification model for skin lesion using ISIC 2018 dataset under the guidance of Prof. Surya Prakash
  • Added image augmentation and built the base with keras EffecientNetB3 model

Outreach assistant

September 2022- December 2022

  • Promoted NYUAD as the study away location in the NYC campus
  • Collaborated with multiple Student Interest Groups to organise events

Docent at NYUAD art gallery

November 2021- May 2022

  • Performed front-desk duties like taking phone calls, and assissting the visitors with registration
  • Gave tours of current exhibitions

Student research assistant at Data Science and AI lab

September 2021- November 2021

  • Performed web scraping to get the required data
  • Wrote python script to parse through the data acquired (in form of a plain text file)


I worked in a team of four to develop this web app that enables our fellow NYU students from different campuses to find spontaneous study buddies.
To access the app students need to login using their NYU email ids which is verified by Google OAuth. Then they see a landing page which allows them to enter a chat room on the basis of theor preference(major, class, random). Along with the chat box there are productivity boosting tools in the chat room like to-do list and Pomodoro timer.
I worked on the front end of the landing page you see after logging, chat box, to-do list and integration of the front and back end for the chat room.

Built using- HTML/CSS/JS
Link to the github repo!
Link to the website!
You will not be able to login without a NYU email id tho


It is a pc game made from scratch using python on Processing IDE. I worked in a team of three to complete this project. My main contribution were the coconut fall feature, integration of the sound and graphics and along with the landing and end page of the game.

Built using- Python/ Processing IDE

Link to the github repo!

Anime Face Generation - Deep Learning

Contructed a Generative Adversarial Network that generates new anime faces using the images from a dataset

Built using- Python/ pytorch

Link to the github repo!

Treasure Hunt

Built a website in a team of four that runs a treasure hunt game across where you have to answer riddle to move on to the next round.

Built using- HTML/CSS/JavaScript

Link to the game!

weSTEM website

It is the website of the student interest group I have been involved with since freshman year.

Developed of the get involved page

Helped in debugging of the website

Built using- HTML/CSS/JavaScript

Link to the website!